A new website for people with diabetes, which has been launched by NHS Forth Valley, is already proving a big hit, with more than 20,000 visits since the site went live. The figures have been released to coincide with World… read more →
Thanks to the innovative skills of two specialist NHS Forth Valley physiotherapists, 846 walking aids have been returned to NHS Forth Valley in the past 7 months representing a saving of more than £6,500 against the cost of buying replacements.… read more →
Restrictions on visiting are being re-introduced in Forth Valley hospitals, due to an increase in people in hospital with Covid-19 and a high number of cases in local communities across the area. The revised arrangements, which are being introduced from… read more →
Scotland’s flu and Covid-19 Booster programmes are continuing with pace as people aged 60 to 69 and adults aged 16 and over with underlying health conditions in NHS Forth Valley started to receive invitations for their flu and Covid-19 booster… read more →
Help is now available for people in Forth Valley who are struggling with poor sleep and insomnia. An NHS-accredited online programme known as Sleepio is now available alongside two other digital therapies – Daylight for anxiety and Silvercloud for wellbeing.… read more →
A Forth Valley Mum is thought to be the youngest in Scotland to donate breast milk to the national milk bank hosted by NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde. Tanisha Cooper, who is 21, has been presented with a special certificate… read more →
Over the next few weeks, parents, nurseries, schools and care homes across Forth Valley are being invited to take part in a Natural Health Award, a fun learning programme which has been adapted for use during the Covid-19 restrictions. Designed… read more →