More care delivered closer to home, fewer hospital admissions, quicker access to services delivered by a wider range of healthcare staff and better planned, more co-ordinated care for vulnerable patients with complex needs – that’s the Vision set out in… read more →
A range of innovative equipment, including special dolls which help put children scared of needles at their ease, has been presented to the Women and Children’s Department at Forth Valley Royal Hospital by local charity So Precious. The donation, which… read more →
Local people from across Forth Valley are being invited to attend NHS Forth Valley’s Annual Review to hear more about key health developments over the last year as well as plans for the future. The Review takes place on Tuesday… read more →
New ‘Pop up’ clinics for cervical screening are being piloted in Clackmannanshire and, if successful, could be extended across Forth Valley. The clinics will be held at two GP practices (Dr Stirling & Partners and Dr Borland & Partners) based… read more →
Eleven employees joined Serco’s ’25 Year Club’ at Forth Valley Royal Hospital on 29 July and each received a special pin to proudly display on their uniform during a celebratory afternoon tea ceremony. Entry to this exclusive club is granted… read more →
Hundreds of posters urging people to get tested for Hepatitis C are being sent to betting shops and tattoo parlours across Forth Valley. It’s part of a campaign to mark World Hepatitis Day which will also include adverts on Central… read more →
Physiotherapy Practitioners working in two GP practices in NHS Forth Valley are proving a great success with patients, and freeing up more time for GPs to see complex cases. Based in the Kersiebank Medical Practice in Grangemouth, and at Bannockburn… read more →
Stephen Donovan, Serco’s Estates Maintenance Officer at Forth Valley Royal Hospital led a team of ten other cyclists in a 500 mile ride across the UK, raising over £20,000 for their chosen charities. The group set off on their six-day… read more →
Forth Valley Royal Hospital celebrated its 5th birthday on Wednesday 6th July 2016 and, to mark this important milestone, staff from different wards and departments across the hospital came together in the atrium to say Happy Birthday. A party also… read more →
People in Forth Valley are being urged to consider joining the NHS Organ Donor Register as a bold new campaign gets underway to increase registrations in Scotland. The ‘We Need Everybody’ campaign shows people of all ages, shapes, sizes and… read more →