NHS Pharmacy First
As part of a national initiative called NHS Pharmacy First Scotland, local pharmacists across Forth Valley are able to offer free treatment for a range of common health conditions without the need for a prescription. These include urine infections, impetigo, skin infections, shingles, conjunctivitis, thrush, eczema, cellulitis and nail infections. Pharmacists across Forth Valley can also provide a local service which provides free treatment and advice for skin conditions such as dermatitis and allergic reactions to insect bites. Pharmacies can also provide an initial 3-month supply of the progestogen-only pill as well as emergency contraception.
In addition, parents in Forth Valley with children suffering from sore throats or skin infections that may need antibiotics can receive Penicillin V for children over 5 with acute sore throats and Flucloxacillin for skin infections in young people up to the age of 17.
Pharmacies also offer a free sharps disposal service for diabetic patients and other whose self-treatment requires injections.
For more info about NHS Pharmacy First, visit NHS Inform.
There is no need to make an appointment – just walk into any pharmacy to access the expert advice and services on offer.
To help ensure you don’t run out of essential medicines please check your supplies, especially before holiday periods and long weekends. If you receive items on a repeat prescription please only order what you need to help reduce waste.
THINK before you order
CHECK what medicines you still have
ORDER only what you need
If you run out of your regular medicines and can’t obtain a prescription from your GP Practice, your local pharmacy may be able to give you an urgent supply of repeat medication or refer you to your local GP and Primary Care Out of Hours service. If you receive a prescription from the NHS Primary Care and GP Out-of-Hours service they will be able to advise you of a pharmacy which can provide it.
Local pharmacists in Forth Valley are also able to offer free treatment for a range of common health conditions without the need for a prescription. These include urinary tract infections, impetigo, bacterial conjunctivitis, vaginal thrush, skin conditions such as eczema and contact dermatitis and skin infections such as cellulitis, insect bites and nail infections.
Remember turning up at an Emergency Department because you have run out of your regular medicines may cause delays for patients who are seriously ill and you may be advised to visit your local GP or pharmacy.
Read Medicines in Scotland: What’s the right treatment for me? for more information.
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Did You Know?
In Forth Valley there are 70 community pharmacies spread across the entire region who, between them, dispensed more than five million prescriptions last year.
- Community pharmacies offer a range of services including: emergency contraception, advice and treatment to stop smoking, travel advice, weight management, health checks and many more.
- Unused medicines cost the health service in Forth Valley £5 million each year. This is the equivalent of 800 hip replacements or 600 heart by-pass operations so please order only the medicines that you require. Some community pharmacies in Forth Valley also provide other pharmaceutical services including: Oxygen service, Palliative care, Stoma service and Disposal of pharmaceutical waste.