Stopping smoking is always beneficial to heath and it is never too late to give up – individuals are twice as likely times more likely to successfully quit smoking with help and support.
NHS Forth Valley provides free local support to help people give up smoking by providing free treatment and behavioural support over a period of 12 weeks.
Stop Smoking in the Workplace
Your workplace may have a stop smoking course available. This would give you a chance to attend a 7 week programme in the convenience of your workplace.
Alternatively your occupational health department may offer one-to-one support.
The service can also provide bespoke very brief advice training sessions to partners, which reinforce very brief advice messages and aim to develop effective referral pathways into the Stop Smoking Service.
Furthermore, NHS FV Raising the Issue of Smoking e-learning module is relevant for anyone who might come into contact with people who smoke during the course of their work, including all NHS Forth Valley health and social care staff. You can access the training at Turas.
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Contact Details
For further information or enquiries please call 01786 433293 (answering service) and one of our trained advisors will return your call.
Alternatively send your query to