Action in Mind
Action in Mind works across the Stirling area with people experiencing or recovering from mental ill health.
Forth Valley Advocacy
Forth Valley Advocacy provides a free professional independent advocacy service for people who are under: Adults with Incapacity (Scotland) Act 2000, Mental Health (Care and Treatment) (Scotland) Act 2003 & Adult Support and Protection (Scotland) Act 2007.
FDAMH’s mission is to assist people to recover from mental health problems and to promote mental well being. We do so by offering a range of services that aim to empower individuals to lead a fulfilling and participative life: we provide education and support for their carers and are committed to bringing people together across the local community.
Klacksun aims to be the voice of people who have experience of mental health issues and are currently using, or have used mental health services in Clackmannanshire or the NHS Forth Valley area.