Workplace Safety, health & wellbeing
Our key objective is to work with employers and employees and encourage them to work together in order to create and sustain a safe and healthy workforce. A healthier workforce really does make for a healthier business and our team will work with local employers to support them to develop a safe and healthy work environment for employees.
Employees can spend up to 60% of their lives at work therefore the workplace is an important place to support safety, health and wellbeing.
Training, support & local resources
We offer workplaces free:
- Support and advice with employee health and wellbeing,
- Workplace health initiatives and campaigns.
- Support with staff health and wellbeing policy development.
- Various health improvement training opportunities.
- Workplace Smoking Cessation Sessions to help employees quit smoking. Please phone 01786 433293.
Useful Links
- Healthy Working Lives
- The Health and Safety Executive
- Scottish Road Safety Alliance
- The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents
- Paths for All
- SUSTRANS (for cycle friendly employee schemes)
Get In Touch
You can access a range of workplace safety and health related topics including C19 information, risk assessment and return to work toolkit by visiting the National Healthy Working Lives website.