The Health Improvement Service works to enhance health and wellbeing while reducing inequalities across Forth Valley.
We collaborate with partners to influence policy, services, and environments that support positive health outcomes, especially for those in greatest need.
Our team provides training, resources, and specialist advice on key health topics, including nutrition, mental health, tobacco, substance use, oral health, physical activity, sexual health, and blood-borne viruses. We support NHS, HSCPs, local authorities, and community organisations, while also running campaigns to engage local communities.
Training & Workforce Development
We deliver free training & CPD opportunities to HSCP, NHS & local authority staff as well as third, public and private sector organisations. Contact your local service to discuss your requirements.
Leaflets, Posters & Resources
We provide posters, leaflets and visual resources to services, organisations and groups to support our work. Register here.
Condom Schemes
The free condom service aims to provide condoms across NHS Forth Valley to reduce sexual health inequalities in populations most vulnerable to poor sexual health outcomes. It provides condoms by mail to individuals and to organisations for distribution.